Tuesday, July 31, 2012

7 Ways to Make Your Coffee Healthier

Did you know that coffee is the single largest source of antioxidants in the western diet (1)?

It also happens to have a ton of health benefits.

Yes, that black drink you have heard that is harmful may actually be making you healthier and helping you live longer (2).

It's true.

Any harmful compounds that may be present in coffee are way overpowered by other healthy substances.

Therefore, that guilty conscience that you get when grabbing the 2nd or 3rd coffee of the day, isn't warranted.

Why feel guilty about

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Why Are Seed And Vegetable Oils Bad For You? The Shocking Truth

Modern nutrition has got it all wrong.

Often, your best bet would be to listen to what the nutrition authorites have to say...

...then do the exact opposite.

They tell you to eat a high-carb, low-fat diet... but you eat a low-carb, high-fat diet and your health improves.

They tell you to reduce animal foods, you eat even more of them and feel better than ever.

It applies to carbs, saturated fat, animal foods, eggs, butter and a thousand other things in mainstream nutrition.

This rule (I like to call it "Kris's

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Is Eating Too Much Protein Bad For You? The Not-So-Bitter Truth

One myth that seems hard to break is that eating a lot of protein is somehow bad for you.

It seems that our evolutionary heritage as meat eaters doesn't matter, or the fact that our bodies are made with protein.

Why would evolution make us intolerant to something we've eaten for millions of years, and that our bodies are designed from?

Doesn't make a lot of sense when you look at it that way, but this myth is still there, even touted by various professionals.

Let's see if it's true, or it's just another myth of modern

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