Friday, December 30, 2011

11 Critical Weight Loss Mistakes

I spent the majority of the holidays at my computer, writing a new weight loss report titled "11 Critical Weight Loss Mistakes".

January is approaching, the time when people make resolutions and decide to burn off the holiday binges.

I decided to write this as a list of guidelines for people to keep in mind before they grab their credit cards to buy the latest and greatest weight loss plan which more often than not simply does not work.

This report is actually more than a simple "hit list" of mistakes. It is a collection of

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why swallowing liquid saturated fat may actually be a good idea

Before you read any further, let me ask you two questions.

Question #1 - What would you gain if you could eliminate your food cravings and reduce your appetite substantially?

Common benefits may include: weight loss, better sleep, looking better, higher self-esteem, etc, etc..

Question #2 - Would you be willing to do something rather nauseating every day to experience those benefits?

Now that we've got that covered...

Why swallowing liquid saturated fat may actually be a good idea

I'm going to describe something

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Monday, December 26, 2011

SoFAS - The New Reason to Hate Saturated Fats

If you've been reading this blog for a while, then you know that I am a big fan of saturated fats.

I don't believe they cause heart disease, and I believe that the propaganda pointed against them in the past few decades has been completely unfounded.

A very large study came out in 2010 which compiled data from 21 other studies and discovered that saturated fat has no association with heart disease.

However, many so-called experts, even doctors and nutritionists, still believe that saturated fat is the devil when it comes to

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Friday, December 23, 2011

How Many Calories in an Apple?

In this article I am going to answer the question: How many calories in an apple?

We've all heard the phrase "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" at some point in our lives. Now I don't know about that, but they sure are tasty and convenient.

They are definitely one of the more satiating fruits out there, and a single apple packs a decent amount of fibre, potassium and Vitamin C.

How many calories in an apple?

Short answer:

A small apple contains: 77 calories, 21g carbs.
A medium apple contains: 95 calories,

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

9 Reasons Why You Should Not Eat Breakfast

In this article I am going to outline 9 reasons why you should not eat breakfast.

Following my last article debunking some of the common myths around skipping breakfast, I thought of a few very good reasons why it might be highly convenient to not eat breakfast at all.

1. Breakfast takes time.
Preparing breakfast in the morning does take a little bit of time. If you're wolfing down cereal with milk, it might take about 5-10 minutes in a rush, longer if you read the newspaper or check your Facebook news feed while

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Why Skipping Breakfast to Lose Weight Might Actually be a Good Idea

In this article I am going to explain why skipping breakfast to lose weight might be a good idea.

I've probably heard hundreds of times that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day", even by people that are apparent "experts", such as personal trainers, nutritionists, and others.

However, just because a lot of people claim it to be true, and that most people do it, doesn't make it right.

I'm a big fan of challenging conventional wisdom, especially when it comes to health and nutrition. The current methods sure as

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Icelandic Superhumans - The fittest woman and the strongest men on earth

I was born and raised in Iceland, a country in the North-Atlantic ocean.

My nation is famous for fishing, Vikings and a recent economic collapse. We also made it to the press when a volcano known as Eyjafjallajokull erupted in 2010 and disrupted air travel all around the world.

We've had some of the worlds best athletes in the past, and here I'm going to describe a few of them.

When you consider that we have a population of only 300 thousand, our athletic history is pretty spectacular.

Annie Mist Thorisdottir - Winner of

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