Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How much protein, carbs and fat - really?

Macronutrients are those things we eat that provide us with energy. Micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals that don't provide us energy, but are still necessary for the chemical reactions that maintain life. The prefixes macro- and micro- mean large and small, respectively.

The three primary macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats and proteins. They serve all sorts of function within the body, but here I'm gonna focus on the place they have in our diet and how much protein, carbs and fat we should really consume.


How much protein, carbs and fat

Is organic food better for you?

You take a look at a chicken that was raised in a chicken factory. Then you take a look at a pastured chicken that has had full access to the outside world and whose diet consists of whatever it is that chickens naturally eat. To you, they probably look pretty much the same. Chickens are just chickens, right? So really, is organic food better for you?

Most people probably can't easily distinguish between healthy animals and unhealthy animals, except maybe their own pets.

We have a much easier time distinguishing between a

Is organic food better for you

Signs and symptoms of Gluten Intolerance

Gluten is a protein, found in the seeds of the Triticum species. These include such grains as wheat, rye and barley. Oats do not contain gluten, but they are often grown or processed near gluten grains and are therefore contaminated with it. Uncontaminated oats are usually tolerated by people that have gluten intolerance. A lot of other foods contain gluten, where they might not be expected, for example some types of ketchup and ice cream.

Gluten consists of the proteins Gliadin and Glutenin. It is one of the factors that

Symptoms of gluten intolerance

Monday, May 30, 2011

Paleo diet for diabetic patients

In this post I am going to discuss the paleo diet for diabetic patients compared to the conventional diet recommended by diabetic health authorities around the world.

The paleo diet takes an evolutionary approach, while the conventional diet focuses on the same old jargon on complex carbs, low-cholesterol and all that nonsense. We both know that this type of diet isn't supported by any scientific or evolutionary logic, and that recommending it for diabetic patients is pretty ridiculous.

Diabetes results, among other things,

Paleo diet for diabetic patients

HIIT interval workouts to increase natural HGH production

HIIT is short for High Intensity Interval Training, which is a form of cardiovascular exercise that involves doing several repetitions of high intensity with periods of low intensity in between, for example sprinting for 15 seconds and then walking for 60 seconds, and repeating several times. There are multiple ways of doing HIIT, for example running, cycling and jumping rope.

This form of training has several advantages over regular low intensity exercise, research has shown that HIIT can increase natural hgh production (human

hiit interval workouts to increase natural hgh production

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Solution to the Metabolic Syndrome

"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution" - Dobzhansky

Human beings have been evolving for hundreds of thousands of years. During this time, we ate the food that nature provided us with. We lived as scavengers and hunter-gatherers. Humans have been able to adapt to all sorts of environments, be it the forests in Africa or the ice in Greenland. There were human populations that lived healthy eating pretty much no carbohydrate at all and almost all animal food and there were other populations who ate high

the metabolic syndrome

What does creatine do and what is a good creatine dosage?

This time I will be answering the question what does creatine do, but creatine is an amino acid both produced in the body and obtained through diet or supplements. Creatine first gained worldwide attention when several olympic athletes, including two gold medalists, used Creatine during their preparation for the 1992 Olympics. Creatine is now one of the most popular supplements in the world and has an enormous safety and effectiveness profile. Creatine is a supplement currently in common use by athletes and lay people alike.


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Saturday, May 28, 2011

How to improve mental health: Stop watching the news

A quick scan of the major news sites reveals some of these headlines:

Libya deaths escalate as thousands take to streets.

Could the US run out of money?

'4 dead' as Bahrain violence continues

Food crisis fears rise

Hilary Clinton urges Taliban to reject Al-Qaeda Allies

Then there are of course all the news about the economy, the corrupt politicians, the elite bankers, natural disaster in third world countries and this list goes on and on and on.
How much time per day do you spend watching the news?
I don't know

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The 6 year medical school programs - A review

I am a medical student at the University of Iceland and I am currently doing the 6 year medical school programs and will graduate in 2016. I did finish one year of biomedical science before I got into medical school, because I couldn't get in on my first try. The University of Iceland is the only university in my country (population around 300.000) that teaches medicine.

To get in, you need to pass an entry exam. For the past two years, there have been 300+ people taking the exam, and only 48 students have been admitted. Most of

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Vitamin D function and health benefits

This time I will be covering Vitamin D function, but this is a fat-soluble vitamin that works at the cellular level. This vitamin is produced from cholesterol in the skin when it is exposed to Ultraviolet B Rays (UVB) from the sun or tanning beds. The active form of the vitamin is not really a vitamin, but a steroid hormone, which flows freely into the nucleus of cells to modulate gene expression.

There are two main forms of dietary Vitamin D, those are D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol). D2 is mainly produced by plants,

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What is a healthy diet plan?

This will be my formal eating healthy guide, with current information on what is a healthy diet plan. The advice pinpointed here applies to the average, healthy, non-diabetic person. If you are overweight, diabetic, or suffer from any other medical condition, then some of this may not apply to you. If you are an elite athlete, then this will probably not apply to you either.

I believe optimal nutrition varies between people, by activity level, current health status, body type and perhaps even by ethnicity.

If I happen to learn

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